Golden Spiral Counseling follows all federal and state laws regarding confidentiality and privacy.
Disclosure of confidential information may be required by your health insurance carrier or HMO/PPO/ EAP in order to process the claims. Only the minimum necessary information will be communicated to the carrier. When considering the use of your insurance for the reimbursement of services you need to be aware that at a minimum I must provide them a diagnosis, goals of treatment, your therapeutic progress and plan of treatmet.
I can also provide a SUPERBILL to you per request if you need reimbursement from your insurance company; limited information is shared on this form and can be reviewed by you prior to submitted to insurance.
Electronic Health records are HIPPA compliant to protect your information. Records cannot be sent to third parties (courts etc) without a subpoena. I will keep our sessions confidential, and will not release your records to any third party without your written permission. The Colorado Confidentiality Statutes C.R.S 12-43-218 provide that psychotherapists shall not disclose, without the written consent of the client, any confidential communications made by the client, or any advice given, in the course of professional employment.
Anything said in therapy is confidential and may not be revealed to a third party without written authorization, except for the following limitations: Child Abuse, Vulnerable Adult Abuse, Imminent threats, plans or attempts to harm oneself or Imminent threats, plans or attempts to harm others ().
Disclaimer: The information above is for educational purposes only, and is not intentioned to be and should not be considered legal advice. For specific concerns regarding confidentiality, please consult with Golden Spiral Counseling directly and review your informed consent policies.
Clients often use text or email as a convenient way to communicate in their personal lives. However, texting introduces unique challenges into the therapist–client relationship. Texting is not a substitute for sessions. Texting is not confidential. Phones can be lost or stolen. DO NOT communicate sensitive information over text or email. The identity of the person communicating via messages is unknown as someone else may have possession of the client’s phone.
Do not use email for emergencies. In the case of an emergency call 911, your local emergency hotline or go to the nearest emergency room. Additionally, e-mail is not a substitute for sessions. If you need to be seen, please call to book an appointment.
E-mail is not confidential. Do not communicate sensitive medical or mental health information via email. Furthermore, if you send email from a work computer, your employer has the legal right to read it. E-mail is a part of your medical record.